25 Historia alternativa


25 novelas Historia alternativa según Best Sci-Fi Books (2012):
1. Man in the High Castle (Phillip K. Dick)
2. The Years of Rice and Salt (Kim Stanley Robinson)
3. The Yiddish Policemen's Union (Michael Chabon)
4. 1632 (Eric Flint)
5. The Difference Engine (William Gibson, Bruce Sterling)

The Separation- Ch.Priest Quiet War - MCauley Asalto Ascenso

6. Gate of Time (Philip Jose Farmer)
7. Lest Darkness Fall (L. Sprague de Camp)
8. The Coming of the Quantum Cats (Frederik Pohl)
9. Fatherland (Robert Harris)
10. Transition (Iain M. Banks)

Ojo sintético Dredd - Mega City   Destroyer

11. The Eyre Affair (Jasper Fforde)
12. Farthing (Jo Walton)
13. The Alteration (Kingsley Amis)
14. The Plot Against America (Phillip Roth)
15. Ada or Ardor (Vladimir Nabokov)

    Gateway - F.Pohl The Neuromancer-Gibson

16. The Iron Dream (Norman Spinrad)
17. Voyage (Stephen Baxter)
18. Wild Cards (George R. Martin)
19. 11/22/63 (Stephen King)
20. The Redemption of Christopher Columbus(Orson Card)

La chica mecánica La chica mecánica The Forever War The Forever War

21. Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand)
22. Weapons of Choice (John Birmingham)
23. Pasquale's Angel (Paul J. McAuley)
24. Making History (Stephen Fry)
25. The Separation (Christopher Priest

The Forever War Paradise Fountain-Clarke Cita con Rama Paradise Fountain-Clarke

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